Barats and Bereta is a sketch comedy group consisting of Luke Pierre Barats and Joseph Daniel Bereta. Formed in 2003, the duo originally made videos to amuse friends at Gonzaga University. These videos eventually made it onto their website and onto YouTube and now have over 330 thousand subscribers and almost 100 million views.
Humor is highly subjective and Barats/Bereta is certainly amateurish and over the top, but with nearly 60 sketch’s I think it likely that a handful of them should tickle about any funny bone. I don’t tend to enjoy Dumb & Dumber type humor myself, but I have found many of their sketches entertaining.
Barats and Bereta have been trying to break into main stream media unsuccessfully. In 2006 NBC signed them to a one year deal, but their pilot wasn’t picked up. They’re currently developing another pilot, but I am uncertain as to who for.
You can find more of Barats and Bereta sketch’s at their web site If you like Barats and Bereta let your friends know about them or better yet send them a link to More w/ Less.
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